
Brand Authenticity – Lemonade Style

Brand Authenticity – Lemonade Style

Sure, I have a sweet designer suit for wrangling with lawyers and suppliers, but when it comes to my customers, they get the real me — sunny, fresh and friendly, just like my lemonade.” People tell this young entrepreneur…

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Branding is All Heart

Branding is All Heart

Are you making a logical appeal to an emotional audience? Probably. That doesn’t mean logic has no place in sales. It does. In fact, logic often closes the deal. But only after a feeling of comfort, confidence…

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My Advertising Secret: Ocytocin

My Advertising Secret: Ocytocin

It’s true. My sheer cuteness floods your brain with the love hormone, “Oxytocin” which makes even tough-minded CEOs stop for a second. There are many studies that show the hormone oxytocin makes people…

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